Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Featured Book

Usool us Sunnah
By Ahmad bin Hanbal
An Explanation of Imam Ahmad's Foundation of the Sunnah
Shaykh Dr Rabee' Ibn Haadee Al Madkhalee pgs 10-25

Notes taken by Umm Abdur Rahman
Points organized by listed bullet pts

In no way should any mistakes I make be attributed to the authors and people associated with this book. I am just a commoner and I don’t pose to have any knowledge compared to the authors and the ppl of knowledge.
~BaarakuAllahu Feekunna

English text of Usool us Sunnah

The foundation of Sunnah
·         holding on firm to the way of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam)
·         taking them as an example
·         leaving off innovations
·         leaving off debating and argumentation
·         not sitting with the ppl of desires
·         abandon debating and skirmishing (conflict) in the religion

Sunnah with us are
·         narrations of Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam)
·         tasfir and clarification of the Quran
·         here is no analogies in the Sunnah and examples shldnt be placed forth for it
·         it is not reached with intellect or desires
·         binding prophetic tradition is belief in Al- Qadr (the good and the bad)
·         when ones intellect does not allow him to understand a particular Hadith then it enough for him to submit and obey

Foundation of Sunnah with us are:
Point # 1

Holding firm to the way of the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam)

·         that which the companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam) were upon is the standard for those who are seeking the truth
·        The companions held firm to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam) in their creed, worship, interactions, and all their other affairs especially aqidah.
·        this is in opposition with the ppl of innovation

Proof to sticking to the way of the companions is the narration from

"It is upon you to stick to my way"

It is upon us to stick to my way, and the way of the righty guided successor, hold on to it with your molar teeth beware of newly invented matters (Sunan At Tirmidhi graded Hasan Sahih)

Proof of companion of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam) being taking as an example
Prophetic narration

It is upon us to stick to my way, and the way of the rightly guided successor, hold on to it with your molar teeth beware of newly invented matters (Sunan At Tirmidhi graded Hasan Sahih)

Saved group the group that the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam) informed us of

This ummah will separate into 73 different groups; all in them are in the hell-fire except one. They said What is the saved group? He said those who are upon what I and my companions are upon
~ (Sunan at Tirmindi graded Hasan by Al Albani)

Another narration

I have left you upon the clear path its night is like its day and no one strays from it except that he will be destroyed
~(Sunan ibn majah graded sahih)

They were firm…
·        the Companions held firm to this clear path and we do not find from among them anyone who deviated from the straight path
·        taking the  companions as an example is the way of safety and success
·        it is the ship of shelter and security
These companions...
·         witnessed the descending of the Quran
·         They attained the correct understanding of Quran and the prophetic way
·        They learned the correct way to apply it 
·        All directly from the Messenger of Allah (Sallallaahu Alaihi wa sallam)

Therefore they are the example.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Muslimat Presents: The E- Book Club

As- Salaamu Alaaykum wa Rahmamtulaah wa Baraktu

InshaAllah the book that we will be reading first is Mentioning the Beautiful Names of Allah and Attributes with the Evidence. The set up will be as follows during are sister get- togethers we will read a chapter and designate a person to do the quiz for that chapter. The quiz can be done the same day or the next following. From the quiz the points will be added and each sister will have an awards account where point add up until 1000 pts. InshaAllah each sister has the ability to reach 1000pts. Upon the 1000pts mark there will be an award given to each sister who reaches that goal.

Throughout the book club we will randomly acknowledge sisters for their part in coming together for the sake of Allah. Sometimes we need reminders to stay firm, this will be taking in consideration and not acknowledgment to praise. InshaAllah we may have online or tele conference reading as well for thoses times that we cant get together and feel free to read as much as you want for that can be motivation to be ahead so you wont fall behind. I will send the book by email.

Also I would like to send short Islamic essays by prominent people of knowledge on various topics for us to ponder and discuss when possible.

InshaAllah Happy Reading!!!

  Mentioning the Beautiful Names of Allah with the Evidences
by Ash-Shaykh Abee 'Abdir-Rahmaan Yahyaa bin 'Alee Al-Hajooree
translated by Abee 'Abdil-Jaleel

E-Book Download
Visit the Muslimat Mag for updates and additional resources 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Muslimat Mag Presents... The Muslimat E-Book Club

As- Salaamu Alaaykum wa Rahmamtulaah wa Baraktu

InshaAllah the book that we will be reading first is The Noble Women Scholars of Hadith. The set up will be as follows during our sister get- togethers we will read a chapter and designate a person to do the quiz for that chapter. The quiz can be done the same day or the next following day. From the quiz the points will be added and each sister will have an awards account where point add up to 1000 pts. InshaAllah each sister has the ability to reach 1000pts. Upon the 1000pts mark there will be an award given to each sister who reaches that goal. Throughout the book club we will randomly acknowledge sisters for their part in coming together for the sake of Allah. Sometimes we need reminders to stay firm, this will be taking in consideration and not acknowledgment to praise. InshaAllah we may have online reading as well for those times that we cant get together and feel free to read as much as you want for that can be motivation to be ahead so you wont fall behind. I will send the book by email and also upload it here as well. InshaAllah Happy Reading!!!

The Noble Women Scholars of Hadith

 Ebook download:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

1st Advice: If you rectify your relationship with Allah, He will rectify your relationship with others

If you desire help and support Allah says:

"Oh you who believe ! If you help in the cause of Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm "47:7

If you wish to gain the love and affection of the ppl of faith then Allah Talaa says

"Verily, those who believe [in the Oneness of Allâh and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW)] and work deeds of righteousness, the Most Gracious (Allâh) will bestow love for them (in the hearts of the believers). "19:96

Hadith on the Authority of Anas bin Malik that the Prophet saas said: "Whoever makes the worldy life his greatest concern, Allah will place poverty between his eyes, and make his affairs scattered, and he will only attain that which is decreed for him, and he will awake and sleep in a state of poverty, and a slave dies not draw near to Allah, the mighty and majestic, except that Allah will make the hearts of the believers turn to him with live, and mercy. And Allah is quick in bringing good
Saheeh At Tirmidhee with slightly different wording.

If you hope for ease and a way out of every difficult situation, knowledge to distinguish truth from falsehood, and right from wrong, then Allah has taken that as his responsibility for the one whi obeys him and keeps his duty to him. Allah the exalted says: 
"....And whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).
And He will provide him from (sources) he never could imagine. And whosoever puts his trust in Allâh, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allâh will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allâh has set a measure for all things. "65:2-3

"....and whosoever fears Allâh and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him. 65:4
So constantly engaging in obedience of Allah is a means of purification and a safeguard from every evil.

So rectify your relationship with your lord , and He will make your husband upright, as He had done with the spouses of the best of his chosen ones.

Abu Na'eem reported in Hilya on the authority of Ao'n bin Abdullah whi said: "The scholars used to counsel and write to each other with three advices:
1. Whoseever strives fir the hereafter Allah will suffice him in his worldly life.
2. Whosever rectifies his dealings that are done behind closed doors, Allah will correct his affairs that are done openly.
3. And whosever rectifies his relationship with Allah, Allah will rectify his relationship with others.
Siyar A' laam An-Nubalaa 6/1000

So oh my sister! Have trust that Allah will protect you, help you and place you in his custody. If you stand firm upon the straight path, and rectify your relationship with Allah, then this helps to establish both inward and outward happiness. And if Allah blesses you with a pious, just, and intelligent husband then you have the glad tidings of being happy both inwardly and outwardly. But if you are rested with a husband that does not preserve the rights if Allah as related to you the do not destroy the outward and inward happiness, rather submit to Allah's decree, and be patient upon Allah's trials.

~Taken from 20pcs of Advice to my sister before marriage By the noble Scholar
Badr bin Ali Al Utaybee, student of former Mufti of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz.

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